“National Nutrition week ( September 2022)” is a reminder for us to focus on some of the tiny yet mighty steps that we can take build nutrition as a daily habit. It can be done with the help of our traditional Indian spices.

Here are some of the best spices that contribute to flavors and have multiple health benefits:


It aids in weight loss, reduces cholesterol, and lowers blood sugar levels.


It increases bone strength and reduces body inflammation. It also aids in weight loss and is an effective liver cleanser.


It is one of the amazing herbs to reduce the risk of heart disease and cholesterol levels.

Fennel Seeds

This is a great digestive aid that helps in detoxification and reduces acidity.


It is a great herb to reduce bloating and aids in digestion. The aroma and flavour of mint also relax the nervous system.


This is a partial aphrodisiac. It helps improve libido in men and is a great remedy for controlling blood sugar levels.


It cleanses the liver, reduces inflammation in the body, and keeps common infections like cold and cough at bay.


This is high in Vitamin C and other B complex vitamins. Helps in the prevention of hyperacidity and acid reflux disorders.


All information presented here is intended for informational purposes only. If you have any questions or concerns about your diet & health, please consult our dietician.